艦長--Captain Eo      評論 (4)
nice memory, the 3D technology really improved greatly.

Leslie 評論於 2010-01-22 09:31:44

Just recalled that I saw this short movie in the early 1990's (maybe in 92, you know, it's a long ti....


The most expensive film at that time

J- 大叔 評論於 2009-07-12 09:06:45

Just saw this video on dailymotion, thanks for the link.But the quality is way too low. the film is ....



天啟後裔 評論於 2016-12-30 08:50:46

米國總是高呼皿煮 自由,要把皿煮自由普世觀帶給全世界。冷戰時期就是這樣 用流行文化 來宣揚自己的那一套如偉大的MJ 起初也逃不開 充當棋子的角色而今,到底是女魔是對的還是錯的,這個把愛帶給宇宙每個角....


MJ自傳<月球漫步> 中對《伊奧船長》的描述

喬弟 評論於 2015-01-03 01:30:47

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