玫瑰人生--La Vie En Rose


7.6 / 90,915人    140分鐘

導演: 奧利維爾達昂
編劇: 奧利維爾達昂
演員: 瑪莉詠柯蒂亞 希薇泰絲特 克洛蒂爾德高倫 帕斯卡葛雷果利


2007-07-25 08:21:29

Ehh. I didn't sit throught it.

Saw it in Rochester's little theatre, where kodak showed their first film ever or whatever. The storyline was chopped up to pieces and the whole thing was way over dramatic. It seemed to me the editor just didn't want to give up any shot up scenes. Acting was almost funny. It's surprising how this movie looks definitely an american production, while it's not.

Then I went out and saw a piece of ad on the wall of the bathroom, saying "come to little theatre, people would think you are smart". Laughed my ass off....