

2007-08-30 02:57:34

big fish台詞記錄

Kept in a small bowl,the goldfish will remain small.With more space the fish will grow double, triple,or quadruple its size."

Now, there comes a point when a reasonable man will swallow his pride and admit that he's made a terrible mistake. The truth is,I was never a reasonable man.
Reasonable 可能只是人們給自己的怯懦編造的理由

And what I recall of Sunday school was that the more difficult something is,the more rewarding it is in the end.

- You must've taken a shortcut.
- Why, yes, I did. It almost killed me.
- Life will do that to you.
- And truthfully, the long way is easier.
- But it's longer.
- Much longer.
大多數人在Easier long way 和difficult shortcut 中會選擇後者吧

Fish looks different to different people.

I'm 8. That means when I'm 18,you'll be 28. And when I'm 28, you'll only be 38.And when I'm 38, you'll be 48.That's not much difference at all.
This town is more than any man could ask for.And if I were to end up here,I would consider myself lucky.But the truth is, I'm just not ready to end up anywhere.
Never ready to

They say when you meet
the love of your life, time stops.
And that's true.
What they don't tell you
is that once time starts again...
it moves extra fast to catch up.
那種感覺~must be fantastic

You don't know me,
but my name is Edward Bloom...
and I love you.
I've spent the last three years
working to find out who you are.
I've been shot, stabbed, and trampled
a few times. I broke my ribs twice.
But it's all been worth it
to see you here now and to finally get to talk to you.
Because I'm destined to marry you.
I knew it when I saw you at the circus,
and I know it now more than ever.
敢這樣像一個stranger 表白嗎?

Fate has a cruel way
of circling around on you.
After all this work to leave Ashton...
...the girl I love was now engaged
to one of its biggest jerks.
There's a time when a man
needs to fight...
and a time when he needs to accept
that his destiny's lost...
...the ship has sailed,
and that only a fool will continue.
Truth is, I've always been a fool.

Have you ever heard a joke so many
times you've forgotten why it's funny?
And then you hear it again
and suddenly it's new.
You remember why you loved it
in the first place.

A man tells his stories so many times
that he becomes the stories.