遠離非洲--Out of Africa


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導演: 薛尼波拉克
編劇: Isak Dinesen Kurt Luedtke
演員: 梅莉史翠普 勞勃瑞福 克勞斯瑪麗亞布蘭道 Michael Kitchen


2008-01-18 23:46:30

Go one moment more, and i know i can bear anything.

這句台詞是整個out of africa里我最喜歡的台詞,無奈搜索了一些頁面都發現沒有原句,只好把它聽寫下來。"I've got this little thing that i've learn to do lately. When it gets so bad,and i think i can't go on, i try to make it worse. I make me think of our camp in the river and Boteli, and the first time that you took me flying. How good it all was, and when i am certain that i can't stand it, i go one moment more, and i know i can bear anything. would you like to help me?"據說這部是獨立女性必看電影No.1,而Karen Blixen的這些言辭也確實毫無保留得顯示出她的堅強與獨立。當我再次看女性在任何一個時期的地位時,再一次的,無可否認的,在某些國家,feminist當道是毋庸置疑的

When i am certain that i can't stand it, i go one moment more, and i know i can bear anything.這話會不會是所有獨立女性在崩潰邊緣的自我暗示,不用指望有人會幫你,因為自己是最好的助手;不用期盼有一天能發生奇蹟,因為失望越多失望越多;不用憐憫自己的不幸,因為上帝會開另一面窗;不用急不可耐得尋找應該屬於你的東西,世界上沒有什麼屬於哪裡,自然也沒有誰會屬於誰,當一個傻瓜信誓旦旦得說,我要和你在一起,莞爾一笑,欣然接受……儘管,這可能從不會發生。
