玫瑰人生--La Vie En Rose


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導演: 奧利維爾達昂
編劇: 奧利維爾達昂
演員: 瑪莉詠柯蒂亞 希薇泰絲特 克洛蒂爾德高倫 帕斯卡葛雷果利


2008-04-27 06:18:36

She was more beautiful than the figure in the movie

The shining light of Oscar drove me to watch this prize movie. No speaking of the soulful performance of Marion Cotillard, nor the dazzling montage of Edith Piaf's short but legend life, nor the background music of her beautiful songs, I was moved soundly all through the two hours. Only the over-stooping hunchback of Edith Piaf made me quite a lot uncomfortable, so immediately later, I went on net to check whether the real singer looks that way.

I went over almost all the video clips of Edith Piaf on YouTube. Surprisingly I witnessed a singer full of passion, much more confident and optimistic than what the actress showed in the movie. Look at those spot performances, though in black and white in the 50s-60s last century, Edith Piaf gave off so tremendous brilliance! Her eyes smiling sweetly, lips moving smartly, hands playing joyfully, she was an impish artist right in front of that microphone, at that stage!

Even at the 1962 vocal concert, one year before her death, she displayed amazing vigor and great passion for her singing. Wrinkles crept all over her face, and muscles slacked, however, nothing can stop the same heat from her eyes, the still adorable voice from her throat. The fingers sometimes snapped, sometimes shook, sometimes clung tight to the heart……all in all, the two hands danced freely as they like. The relaxation of her expression when she sang was so real and appealing that no actress can revive no matter how skillful she was. No, Marion Cotillard couldn't, either.

At the last curtain call, she again and again appeared out of curtain, with very content smile all the time. No timidity, no excitement, no heavy burden about any misfortune. Just peaceful mind full of satisfaction deserved to be.

That's the distance between the real life and the drama. I never noticed her hunchback, nor a least of pain. Through the stage, I only saw a confident and graceful singer. That's all. The music meant whole to her life. She could leave all the illness, hurt, sadness behind when she cast heart and soul into the songs.

Only after I viewed these real pictures, did I realize how beautiful Edith Piaf was. I'm sorry the movie figured such an ugly face and back, and charged her with so many miserable trivia. I will prefer the stage-Edith Piaf in my memory.