舊愛,還是最美--Flashbacks of a Fool


6.8 / 12,956人    109分鐘

導演: 巴利華爾許
編劇: 巴利華爾許
演員: 丹尼爾克雷格 Harry Eden Miriam Karlin Jodhi May 海倫邁柯瑞


2008-10-27 00:54:32

it is a OK movie

should not say awesome but it is pretty much OK movie for me. PPL dont produce this kind of shit in receint several years or i just missed some good stuff.

I was totaly smacked up in the final scene of this movie, " Take me right back when we r young", the music and vids just catch up so perfectly. So young, so good, but as time flows everything will flow... Shit! How i wish i could back to the circle...

I didnt like Roxy music at all, but this is their second time freakin me out. The first time is in Lost in Translation, that Bill guy sings their song in a KaroOK room.

Cant help watching this vid again and agian:
