霹靂高手--O Brother, Where Art Thou?


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導演: 喬柯恩
編劇: Homer (Ⅰ) 伊森柯恩
演員: 喬治克隆尼 約翰特托羅 提姆別克尼爾森 約翰古德曼


2009-01-23 07:18:31

I love quoting.

"Won't you go out an bring me Lazarus?"

"I figure the leader should be the one with the capacity for abstract thought!"

「Do you work for the railroad, grandpa?」「I work for, NO ONE」「What's ur name?」「I have, NO NAME」

「Daddy told me to shoot whoever's from the bank. And the folks who servin' papers. I nicked the census man!」

「RUNNOFT. I do miss her cooking though.」

"Remember, when u're fixing up a some flap-jacks and make a mess of biscuits, use cool, clear water and good pure Pappy O'Daniel flour."

We got you surrounded!And don't try nothin' fancy!

"To 華盛頓 Bartholomew Hogwallop. From his loving Cora. Amor, Fidel"

「YOU STOLE FROM MY KIN!!」「It's the fool who looks logic from the chambers of the human heart.」

"Ain't it a small world, spiritually speaking?"

"Only four of us can write."

"We're MASS COMMUNICATING!!" "Oh yes, that's a powerful new force!"

夜晚 營火旁的憂傷音樂是少不了的~

「Go out west somewhere. Open a fine restaurant. I'm gonna be the maître d'. Greet all the swells. Go to work in a bow tie. Tuxedo. And all my meals for free.」

"Ain't no one gonna pick up three filthy, unshaved hitch-hikers, and one of them a know-it-all who can't keep his trap shut."

"Come on you miserable salaried sons of bitches!"

"Hold your applause and drop your drawers! I'm George Nelson and I'm here to sack the city Itta Bena!"

那是個只有有腦子的人才能生存的年代 那是個男人都會彈吉他的年代……

Dapper Dan髮油!!~~偷車的喜悅><

"You and me and the devil makes three"


"sweet jesus we gotta save him"

「I invented moral fibre! 」

"Looks like it's the chair for me!!! I'm gonna go off like a Roman candle!!"
