真相至上--Nothing But the Truth


7.1 / 40,028人    108分鐘 | Canada:108分鐘 (Toronto International Film Festival)

導演: 洛‧路瑞
編劇: 洛‧路瑞
演員: 凱特貝琴薩 麥特狄倫 安琪拉貝瑟 亞倫艾達 薇拉法蜜嘉


2009-05-12 08:47:49

Principle and reality

The reporter had a good story from her own source. It happened that the subject was about the identity of a CIA agent. The situation became massy. On one hand, the reporter refused to point out who the source was, the government agent needs to find out who leaked the information.

The reporter stuck with her own principle, even at the cost of being jailed for months. The agency must find out who the big mouth is. The involved agent was suspected by the agent as well. The report stayed in jail for more than 110 days. No one seemed to back off a bit. For sure, both parties are defending what they believe the most important.

But the reality is tough. The reporter stayed in jail. What shall she do?

The involved agent broke up with the agency and lost her life to a crazy citizen. After 228 days in jail, the reporter confused a bit, am I doing the right thing? What is the true meaning of life?

After almost a year of time in jail, the reporter has to face a two years at prison as a criminal. Still, she holds her principles and her promise to the source who gave her the info. It is not about a name, it is not about reporter's accord, even. It is more basic. It is just a promise from an adult to a little girl. The CIA agent's daughter leaked the information.