飲食男女 Eat Drink Man Woman


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導演: 李安
編劇: 李安 王蕙玲
演員: 郎雄 歸亞蕾 楊貴媚 吳倩蓮


2009-12-12 00:58:34

「Eat Drink, Man, Woman」

   When you wonder who actually gives us the impressive skills on cooking at the start, our main actor, Mr.Zhu, an old father and a professional cook, came on the stage. He was getting to lost his sense of taste, but every weekend he tried to cook a big and fantastic meal to his family. He got three girls, who have their own idea towards life. He tried to continue to look after his family members, but he knew that life was limited and his daughters should have their own life, just like himself.
    He may loss any action ability because of the age, but he had clear consideration about his own life and his daughter’s. Finally, after one of his best friend died all of a sudden, he decided to give himself a chance to meet his new life, new love and new birth.
   The past was still there, and the future is always waiting us.

   Three daughters, three attitudes towards life.
   The oldest daughter, Jiazhen, believed in god. In the past days, she always got along with her father and nearly had no real experience of love. On the surface, she’s willing to keep her quite life with her father; however, she felt disturbed when she saw others falling in love, and began to complain constantly when her young sisters had idea to leave home. We can see inside, actually, she wanted to give love to someone and had her independent life.
   The youngest daughter, Jianing, was always filled with passion in life. She had a kind and innocent view towards life. She obeyed her father’s words and had no argument with her old sisters. When she tried to comfort her friend’s boyfriend, they fell in love. Though she felt sorry to her friends, the young emotional girl still followed her heart and started a new family with her love.
   The second daughter, Jiaqian, is my most favorite character. You may think she is the most unlucky one in the whole family, because her beautiful appearance didn』t bring her a reliable relationship towards love; her intelligence didn』t keep her chance to go abroad; and she should be the first girl leaving home, but finally even her father had a new family, she’s the only one stay at the old house. In spite of all these frustrations, she knew what exactly she wanted and cared about. She had a sensitive heart and a firmly mind. She didn』t go abroad because of his father, she didn』t get her love because of her elder sister. She gave up her job and became a cook eventually, for she was fond of cooking and she had talent to do that. Which one indeed the father liked most among these girls? When you saw their mother’s picture you will understand, yes, Jiaqian was the only one who looked like her mother, and she’s also the only one who could cook for her father. When everyone tried to go out forwards a new life, she’s the only one came back. Whether in the past and in the future, she doesn』t change much like others, so I believe that she always had some points to insist on, and that the main reason why I like her most.

   There is a saying in old Chinese: 「Food and love, that calls humanity.」But in the movie, when we towards not only our nature but also our family and friends, we may have more considerate to judge what we can do or not. Quote a sentence from Mr. Zhu, which impressed me a lot, 「When we thought about family, we always had a little apprehension. It’s the apprehension, actually, which made us called 『One Family』.」