重案對決--Law Abiding Citizen


7.4 / 321,694人    109分鐘 | 118分鐘 (director's cut)

導演: 蓋瑞葛雷
編劇: 寇特威默
演員: 傑瑞德巴特勒 蕾絲莉畢柏 傑米福克斯 布魯斯麥吉爾 薇拉戴維絲


2010-01-31 21:09:47

Gray areas between the evil black and the pure white

Justice and evil is not absolute.
A Law Abiding Citizen should be praised,BUT "law" is formulated by human.
尼克 on behalf of a group of people who is only the pursuit of efficiency and reputation.
So Clyde,at first,kind of meet the audience of a strong sense of justice.
But then the story began to get out of control,,,which made us confused...
In fact, that is so.
Gray areas between the evil black and the pure white,and the movie reflect the real world.
I do not think it was a happy or sad ending.Just like the title,my feeling was gray,too.