人間喜劇 [港]--Yan gaan hei kat


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導演: 陳慶嘉 秦小珍
演員: 杜汶澤 王祖藍 薛凱琪


2010-09-16 00:19:42


1. 好,你咁想知道我的過去
Since you want to know about my past

2. 那就要從我既「少年往事」開始講起
Let's start 「Somewhere in Time」 (時光倒流70年)

3. 「我們這一家」…
Regarding my 「Family Ties」 (命運交叉點)

4. 真係講得上…用「千言萬語」都唔曬
One can pretty much 「Say Anything」 (兩男一女蜜談情)

5. 我個人比較「早熟」
I was 「2 Young」 (早熟)

6. 但係我有「一個好爸爸」,佢可以稱得上係…
but I was lucky to have my 「Big Daddy」 (超級爸爸爹) …he truly was

7. 「三峽好人」
「My Father, the Hero」 (親親壞情人)

8. 個個都叫佢做「福伯」
People call him 「Mr. Nice Guy」 (一個好人)

9. 但係有一天,他跟他的同鄉到香港去
One day, him and his pals left for Hong Kong

10. 去做…「省港旗兵」
They took the 「Chungking Express」 (重慶森林)

11. 「省港旗兵」?
「Chungking Express?」

12. 「省港旗兵」!他仲去咗一個地方,叫做…
Indeed it's 「Chungking Express」 and they spent

13. 「九龍冰室」
「One Night in Mongkok」 (旺角黑夜)

14. 響裡面撞到一個「大隻佬」
there he meets 「The Love Guru」 (戀愛凸務咕嚕嚕)

15. 搞咗壇「斷背山」
And they went together to 「Brokeback Mountain」 (斷背山)

16. 仲多了個綽號叫做…
and so he gained a new nickname called

17. 「雀聖」
「Birdy」 (鳥人)

18. 「雀聖」?

19. 佢留低俾我老母既,就只係得一封「情書」
He left my mother a 「Love Letter」 (情書)

20. 信裡面寫住:「親愛的」…
there he said 「Mommie Dearest」 (親愛的媽咪)

21. 如果「天若有情」, 「忘不了」的話
If you're 「Lost in Time」 (忘不了), 「Forget Me Not」 (母無我)

22. 就「保持通話」, 「得閒飲茶」
Let's stay 「Connected」 (保持通話) and have 「Breakfast at Tiffany's」 (珠光寶氣)

23. 睇完這封信之後,「我阿媽發仔瘟」
「Mamma Mia」 (媽媽咪呀) went nuts after reading it

24. 「女人四十」,走去搵咗一間「舞廳」去做「金雞」
She found a nightclub and did a 「Chicken Run」 (咪走雞)

25. 表面上她係「談談情、跳跳舞」果種
She may look like a 「Showgirl」 (艷舞女郎)

26. 其實她既原則係…
But she really knows that

27. 「我不賣身,我賣子宮」
「Can't Buy Me Love」 (愛情無價)

28. 你老母真偉大!
Your mother was quite heroic

29. 請問你老母響哪間舞廳做呢?
Which night club did she work in?

30. 我知,百樂門
I know! The 「Joy Luck Club」 (喜福會)

31. 係「新精武門」
It's 「Fight Club」 (搏擊會)

32. 好舞廳
Great joint

33. 佢響呢間「新精武門」度遇到「黑社會」
There she met 「The Godfather」 (教父)

34. 呢個「大佬」係條「古惑仔」嚟
He was quite 「The Terminator」 (未來戰士)

35. 佢「隻手遮天」
and really 「Hard Boiled」 (辣手神探)

36. 「隻手遮天」咁犀利…
「Hard Boiled?」

37. 佢既勢力一定好大,邊個社團?叫咩嘢哥呢?
He must be pretty powerful, what do they call him?

38. 長恨哥 (按:粵語「長恨哥」跟電影《長恨歌》同音)
「The Talented Mr. Ripley」 (心計)

39. 呢個長恨哥當然想同我老母…啦
He clearly wanted to get it on with my mom

40. 但係我老母仲厲害
But my mom was smarter,

41. 每一天都「家有囍事」
Every night she called up 「Crimson Tide」 (紅潮風暴)

42. 梗有「姨媽的後現代生活」嚟探佢
and made sure to 「Raise The Red Lantern」 (大紅燈籠高高掛)

43. 當然,佢都支持唔到「十二夜」
Still she couldn't last longer than 「Thirteen Days」 (驚爆十三天)

44. 到最後,都是做咗「阿嫂」
and gave in to 「Dangerous Liasons」 (危險關係)

45. 後來呢個長恨哥佢「江湖告急」
But when there was 「Big Trouble in Little China」 (妖魔大鬧唐人街)

46. 他逼我老母改咗個西洋名,叫「伊沙貝拉」
he forced my mother to use an alias 「Isabella」

47. 仲迫要她拍西片「AV」
and had her start doing 「AV」

48. 你老母一生實在太傳奇勒
What an amazing story your mom has

49. 請問部AV叫咩名呢?
What was the title of her adult film?

50. 「藉著兩點說愛你」 (按:粵語「藉著兩點說愛你」跟電影《藉著雨點說愛你》相若)
「Beauty and the Breast」 (豐胸秘Cup)

51. 一定係一部好純樸既作品勒
Must have been a tame adult film

52. 「其後」,她參加咗「四仔旅行團」
She later joined a 「Road Trip」 (四仔旅行團)

53. 但始終還係「四條大路通陰間」
But could not 「Escape from 紐約」 (逃出紐約)

54. 無幾耐,「迷失東京」既我老母
In the end, 「Death Becomes Her」 (飛越長生)

55. 亦都係逃不過呢一個…
And my mother became

56. 「窒息」
「The Departed」 (無間道風雲)

57. 我帶著我老母既遺體
I took my mother's body

58. 用「一半海水,一半火焰」
Placed her on 「Chariots of Fire」 (烈火戰車)

59. 送她到「下一站,天國」
and sent it on a 「Stairway to Heaven」 (天國的階梯)

60. 但係可惡既長恨哥冇放棄過追殺我
Yet Ripley decided to come after me

61. 他仲落咗「標殺令」,令我「十面埋伏」
I was trapped in the 「House of Flying Daggers」 (十面埋伏), but saved at last…

62. 咁…咁最後點呀?
and what happened at last?

63. 最後點呀…最後點呀?
Who saved you at last?

64. 最後冇事 (按:粵語「最後冇事」跟電影《最後武士》相若)
「The Last Samurai」 (最後武士)