魔法玩具城--Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium


6.2 / 38,962人    93分鐘

導演: 薩奇荷翁
編劇: 薩奇荷翁
演員: 娜塔莉波曼 傑森貝特曼 達斯汀霍夫曼 查克米爾斯 Marcia Bennett


2010-09-17 09:21:56

You have to believe it to see it

During these recent years,movies featured on dreams,ambitions,belief and faith have been really hot.They are inspiring,touching and most of all motivating.But the movie Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium is something completely different.It tells me at least two things,one:life needs a little magic;two:you have to believe it to see it.This just makes me think about my childhood,i always dreamed about something larger-than-life,something that could take me closer to my dreams.I liked fairytales about mermaids,i wanted to explore the infinities of nature.And ancient civilizations about human enlightenment and the apocalypse always piqued my curiosity....So why am i not wanting to do those things now?Somehow,at certain point of my life,i just stopped cultivating my curious nature,i became a pragmatic person,and sought nothing but the practical use of everything.It sort of seems good to be pragmatic and practical,those qualities help me set my eyes on the prize.I chased and chased....yet,i feel bored,not tired of all the hard work,just bored,desperately bored.And what this movie taught me is that life needs a little magic,a little of this magic,but not much can help me bring colors into my life.I realize what needs to be changed is not my living circumstances,my status or the amount of my bank acount;it is me,my heart,my mind,my attitude toward this world and my life that need changing.
And i guess that's the beauty of this movie.So simple and even childish a plot can actually bring a person to understand his life,even that understanding is just a teensy bit part of his whole life.
Magic is in your heart,you just need to believe it to see it!