情人節快樂--Valentine's Day


5.7 / 126,130人    125分鐘

導演: 蓋瑞馬歇爾
編劇: 凱瑟琳傅格特
演員: 泰勒洛特 布萊德利庫柏 艾希頓庫奇 安海瑟薇 潔西卡貝兒


2010-12-17 18:11:45

my reviews

Kutcher was def cute in it. 傑西卡 Alba didn't get much chance to play.Anne Hathaway making sexy sounds just hilarious,poor gal geez. whole story is ridiculous tho,i mean who would reject some warm good looking boy like Kutcher? not even mention the huge diamond he proposed with...
and also,how would such man of man Bradley 古柏 is gay? have some better,more appropriate casting! and his partner was 艾瑞克 Dane??pass me a knife, would ya?u tell me who's the bottom in this relationship?Thx god they didn't kiss or something in the movie otherwise im not sure what would i do after seeing it.
oh and btw,泰勒 Swift looked stupid freakin 90's born.well as always.who says shes pretty? bite me!