赤膽豪情--Rob Roy

赤胆豪情/ 罗伯·罗伊

6.9 / 45,788人    139分鐘

導演: 麥可坎頓瓊斯
編劇: Sir Walter Scott Alan Sharp (Ⅰ)
演員: 連恩尼遜 潔西卡蘭芝 約翰赫特 提姆羅斯


2011-10-27 12:36:47


Honor is a gift that people give to themselves and that cannot be given and taken away by anyone else. In the movie Rob Roy, honor is a distinct theme. As Robert Roy MacGregor says to his children 「All men with honor are kings, but not all kings have honor」, he is a man who highly values honor. Robert Roy cherishes his own honor; meanwhile, he cherishes other’s honor as well and obtains other’s respect by his honor.
As I mentioned, Robert Roy cherishes his honor very much. Firstly, he never degrades himself by begging for a noble’s help. When he was framed, his wife asked him to ask for help from Duke of Argyll. However, Robert Roy denied, only because he was not willing to obtain help from people he did not trust. Secondly, he never stoops to pander to nobles. When he was derided by Marquis of Montrose, he told Marquis that his requirement for honor is the same as the Marquis. Thirdly, he takes his words seriously. When he borrowed money from the Marquis, being asked what he could mortgage, he said he had his words. He emphasized if his words were given, they were good. Fourthly, he won』t benefit from calumniating others. When the Marquis asked him to slander Duke of Argyll to compensate for the money he borrowed, Robert Roy refused. He told Marquis that what he owned Marquis is only money. He explicitly spoke out that Marquis was the person who misspoke himself and asked a requirement that shamed both him and Marquis. When he was revenged by Marquis, he told his wife that he was persecuted for no man's sake but his own. Fifthly, he is willing to risk his life for retrieving his honor. When he knew his wife was violated by Cunningham, Robert Roy decided to duel with Cunningham, even though he was very likely to be killed.
Additionally, as Robert Roy told his children 「you must never mistreat a woman or malign a man, nor stand by and see another do so」, he also cherishes other’s honor. First of all, he won』t vilify other’s reputation. When Marquis of Montrose asked him to slander that Duke of Argyll was a Jacobite, he refused because he did not want to injure the Duke’s reputation at court, even though he was persecuted for this rejection. Secondly, he trusts his friend. When Alan MacDonald disappeared with money and was suspected by everyone else, Robert Roy insisted trust his friend and sticked up for his friend’s reputation, because he believed his trust valued more than that money. Thirdly, he treats others with respect. He thinks his subordinate was as equal as him rather than beneath him. When Marquis of Montrose asked him the number of people he mastered, he answered that he mastered none but took care of 200 people’s living. From the above, we can see Robert Roy respects others. Therefore, he obtains respect from others. People always follow him; his wife is proud of him and his honor; Alan always said it was an honor to be his friend; everyone in the village talks about his heroical story, and even the servant boys in bar know him. Besides, being touched by his honor, Duke of Argyll offered some help for him. For instance, in order to bring back his honor, the Duke arranged the duel between Cunningham and him, and promised repay the money to the Marquis for him.
To summarize, people who value honor are respected by others. Honor is a gift that no one can gives and takes away. 「It grows in us and speaks to us. All we need do is listen.」