金陵十三釵--The Flowers of War


7.5 / 56,313人    146分鐘

導演: 張藝謀
編劇: 劉恒 嚴歌苓
演員: 克里斯汀貝爾 保羅薛納德 倪妮 張歆怡


2011-12-17 07:24:26

Rest in peace

I am desperately lost on the miseries. After the movie, I seat still, do not want to leave, hoping that something good would happen. It is impossible, however, this is not a fairy tale. I am moved by the soldiers guarding their home with their last breath; I am moved by the little girls risking their lives to protect people they hated; I am moved by the ladies' courage to break people's stereotype to prostitute and rebuild reputations…..

I am also impressed by the color contrast of the imagines, grey sky, colorful window, red cross and gorgeous clothes. Such constrast makes people in miseries believe that humility will be with barbarity, hope with despair, eternity with death. Thank all flowers of the war leaving us a story of love, of courage, of dignity, their fragrance will be eternal.

Rest in peace.   舉報