千禧三部曲I:龍紋身的女孩--THE GIRL WITH DRAGON TATTOO [2011]


7.8 / 501,931人    158分鐘

導演: 大衛芬奇
編劇: 史蒂芬柴里安
演員: 魯妮瑪拉 丹尼爾克雷格 羅蘋萊特 史戴倫史柯斯嘉


2012-01-10 07:10:35


I watched this film in AMC Manchester, definitely with a big screen shock. Heart attack nearly happened at the unexpected blow job scene. I sat up, breathed and started to keep one hundred percent concentration on story involvement.

Clear cut, contrasting characters, breath-taking breakthrough for every next second in a fascinating story line.

However, it's not all about the film itself. I started walking fast, eat simple with my eyes open and being aware, like Elisabeth. I care more about my business rather than other people's talking, as Elisabeth did.

I try to be smart, or rather, behaving smart, as if I were Elisabeth. I picked up the water, with the same movement as her, I stepped out of the supermarket, looking around then looking down, put up my hat on hoodie, shading my face, like her.

When this personality obsession happened, I can't deny how incredible the film is, and I think you know what I mean.