千禧三部曲I:龍紋身的女孩--THE GIRL WITH DRAGON TATTOO [2011]


7.8 / 496,543人    158分鐘

導演: 大衛芬奇
編劇: 史蒂芬柴里安
演員: 魯妮瑪拉 丹尼爾克雷格 羅蘋萊特 史戴倫史柯斯嘉


2012-03-16 21:15:40

Daniel Craig vs Rooney Mara

《龍紋身的女孩》根據瑞典作家史迪格·拉森Stieg Larsson系列偵探小說「千禧三部曲」The Millennium Trilogy的第一部改編,作者史迪格·拉森60多歲才開始創作小說,《龍紋身的女孩》出版的時候,他就因為心臟病發去世了。不過在他去世後,這套小說的熱度不斷升溫,終於引起了電影業的注意,去年瑞典電影人Niels Arden Oplev就已經把《龍紋身的女孩》改編成電影上映,那部影片迄今已經在全球範圍賺取了1.016億美元票房,其第二部《玩火的女孩》(The Girl Who Played with Fire)也取得了5330萬美元,第三部《空中的城堡》(The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest)目前則還沒有上映。

This movie is Harrowing, dark and gruesome. Heartfelt, touching and fantastic.
Disturbing and difficult to watch at times, but a brilliant thriller
The inevitable comparisons to the original Swedish version of Stieg Larsson's book actually measure in favour of David Fincher's version. The relationship between Lisbeth and Mikael is considerably more believable and their chemistry is engaging. There is a palpable raw emotion evident throughout that was missing in Niels Arden Oplev's cold, clinically portrayed story. Both have their merits but ultimately Rooney Mara's bristling fragility and Trent Reznor's brilliant soundtrack make this my favourite of the two