

2012-03-21 07:54:11

you will see the sun again

I have been seen the movie for the third time until i found it is so suit for my taste, and i changed my TOP TEN MOVIE list, and added it. Before this "sunshine" called movie, LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE was one of my favourite and it is too important for me to touch it casually, so i still waiting for my impulse to write something.
        After i saw this movie, i thought the move list in my heart named like "as a woman...", Rose would in there, standing beside with Tess in TESS and Jackie in HAILARY AND JACKIE and some other female characters in the movies, it can touch me and their female identity stand out in the movie than anything else. Rose is totally in a mess, she is a single mother, and still secretly sleep with her high-school boyfriend who is already married, and until this man's wife pregnant again and warned her, she finally got the guts to say no to this relationship, and realize her sister was right, she is pathetic:"I am good at getting guys to want me, not date me or marry me, but want me". When she doing some household service for a living and run into her high schoolmates, she thought all the girls who was envious of her in high school look at her as a maid, and she can only telling lies to others and telling lies to herself "you are strong, you are powerful and you can do anything". Rose's younger sister Norah as a character is not impressive as Rose for me, but all her dependence and that Tress ling scene remind of me that maybe one person commit his or her suicide is very simple and quick, but the pain it leaves to others could be deep and long. I can not say Rose's weak in her relationship which even can not ask the man why he did not picked her but other woman to marry have nothing to do with her mother's death, she took so much on her shoulder for so long and she is vulnerable to people around her to leave even he or she can hurt her. At the end of the movie, when Rose picked up the CB and said to her mother in heaven that "you've really missed out, you missed out on some really great stuff, i hope you can hear me...", it's like she finally forgiving her mother, and forgiving herself and have a honest confrontation to herself and the rest of her life.
        I always thought SUNSHINE have the special, implicit meaning in American culture, for this, i had done some googling and i got nothing. Now, i still cannot sure about that, but it cannot bothering me anymore, because I have got the meaning myself: SUNSHINE is not every day, maybe you could meet cloudy or raining day, and when you can face the raining day or cloudy of your own , you could see the sunshine again!