

2012-05-13 23:37:25

What do we need?

有一段時間沒有欣賞如此深邃的電影了。教育,人性,苦惱……《超脫》反映了多個從不同社會角度以及層次上的問題,而且這些問題全部都是真實的。這部電影是否翻譯成《分離》或是《脫離》更好??……Some people including myself have craved for the American society, to be apart of it, to feel how is it like. refelects what;s real in not just American society, but what's happening inside of the souls of people. Death maybe the much easier solution, that makes us, the living, stuggle for living, stuggle for money, for love, for respect, for success, very depressed. "Henry" himself claimed that he would be helping the children and somehow affect their lives in someway great just like ant other teachers. It's not what they need, "They don't need me. They need something else, but I don't know." They need themselves, not strength. They need a soul.