

2012-05-19 00:41:13


@piccola-wu I did not feel myself today and I watched this movie. When I was watching it, I coudn't tell wether the movie makes me sick or I'm really sick. I expected a story of a teacher, a mind guider who successfully saves the students that are trapped in their own troubles, but it turned out a totally different ending. He failed as everyone did. And I feel depressed espeacially when he read the words of Allen Poe, a depressed writer.

I don't know why, but I felt so weak that I have to lie down, wondering why so many recommend this movie, is it really good? When I was watching it, I felt awful and have to stop for a rest. Honestly, I hated the movie at that moment. But I just kept on watching it again, for curiosity of how it ends or hoping that I could see a good ending like most of the movie. But it is not.

And I finally realize what the movie wants to tell is reality and that's why it could touch the audience's minds. There is a period in most of us' lives that we think there could be many posibbilities in our lives and the world ahead will be wonderful. However results are disappointed most of the time. And the most depressed thing is that we have to face the failure by ourselves even thought we have love ones beside us. The so called simple happiness does not exist. It's helpless to get the fact, but when you try to accept it step by step, maybe it's not that bad. 'cause everyone is the same, we all have pains, we all have to deal with it. It's like a chronic disease, you will never get it healed, but you would not die for it. As an perfectionist, t's a bit difficult for me to accept it, but the reality will make you surrender at last. And the best way to deal with it is to take it and try to live with it.

I remember you asked me a question about the difference between a depressed people and those who have phobias. I do not think of their difference, but I suddenly realize there is a same thing, both of them need courage. The reality could drive you to helpness, and helpness into desperate. We need so much courage to survice in this world full of complexities. No wonder how difficult for the depressed and those with phobias. When I realized the difficulties of facing the reality and living in the world, all of a sudden, I realize how lucky we are to be alive and still to be expecting the good things to come.