真相至上--Nothing But the Truth


7.1 / 40,028人    108分鐘 | Canada:108分鐘 (Toronto International Film Festival)

導演: 洛‧路瑞
編劇: 洛‧路瑞
演員: 凱特貝琴薩 麥特狄倫 安琪拉貝瑟 亞倫艾達 薇拉法蜜嘉


2013-08-22 18:55:39



Does he do the right thing? Does she do the right thing? I can't answer both questions. There's a scene in the beginning of the movie foreshadows the argument of the story. Timmy: She's not supposed to tattle. Rachel: She's not supposed to put up with bullies as well. The part where Rachel's lawyer who seems quite superficial by bragging on and on and on about his expensive watch and Zegna suits made a grand speech about the significant and profound meaning of the responsibility of the journalists and the consequence of Rachel revealing the source on the supreme court really touches me. Although this didn't help her get out of the jail but I applaud him. The responsibility of journalists is to restrict the power of the government. Otherwise, the people with power can do whatever they want and nobody can do anything about it. In the end, the country will no longer be a healthy one. The story is based on reality but not entirely. For someone who fought so hard for justice and sacrifice oneself for the greater good shows great integrity and selflessness. She is truly a heroine in my opinion.
