危機解密--The Fifth Estate


6.2 / 34,857人    128分鐘

導演: 比爾坎登 卡特勒
編劇: 卡特勒
演員: 班奈狄克康柏拜區 丹尼爾‧布爾 艾莉西亞維坎德


2013-09-08 10:07:15


Cumberbatch has Assange off to a tee, but this buddy movie is marred by pastiche
(budy movie is a film genre in which two people of the same sex are paired)

First Night

The Fifth Estate
多倫多 International Film Festival


Playing 茱莉亞n Assange in cinema’s long-awaited take on the story of Wikileaks, Benedict Cumberbatch performs a masterclass in mimicry as the awkward Australian. He has the slow, deliberate vocal delivery, the gait and the gesticulations down perfectly. It’s a shame, then, that the performance is let down by some clumsy storytelling that trots out the usual cliche and criticisms of the Wikileaks founders as a socially inept egotist, motived as much by his own celebrity as by a desire to help whistle-blowers.


The Fifth Estate is played out through the friendship and subsequent rivalry of Assange and his fellow website activist Daniel Domscheit-Berg, played by Daniel Bruhl.

危機解密這部電影通篇故事情節是在兩位男主角, 朱利安·阿桑奇以及他的朋友(網站建立者之一)丹尼爾·多姆沙伊特-伯格,之間的友情建立直至隨後而來的矛盾衝突這一過程而逐漸展開的。其中,丹尼爾·多姆沙伊特-伯格是由德國演員丹尼爾·布魯赫扮演(豆瓣影人寫的出生地是西班牙,我就自以為了。。多謝網友指正)。

Unlike Assange, Domscheit-Berg is depicted as a crusading idealist who is initially enraptured by his counterpart’s desire to stick to the man. But the fact that he is the hero of the piece should come as no surprise given that the film is based partly on Domscheit-Berg’s own memoir about Wikileaks.

和阿桑奇不同的是,丹尼爾·多姆沙伊特-伯格在片中被描述成了一個奮勇向前的理想主義者,並且在最初的時候被阿桑奇的追求所感染而義無返顧地選擇支持他。關於丹尼爾在電影裡轉而化身為了英雄這一情節設置其實並不出乎意料,如果考慮到這部電影本身就是根據丹尼爾·多姆沙伊特-伯格本人出版的關於維基解密的回憶錄中的片段而改編的。(書名Inside WikiLeaks: My Time with 茱莉亞n Assange at the World's Most Dangerous Website)

This is classic buddy movie storytelling - the young idealist slowly discovering the foibles and hypocrisy of the flawed master - but the simple characterizations have more in common with the director Bill Condon’s Twilight films than with his more nuanced 2004 biopic of the sex scientist Alfred Kinsey.


Sex is largely off the menu here. Berg is handed a poor love story, in which his forlorn girlfriend Anke, played by Alicia Vikander, is rejected in favour of his desire to help Assange.


There are hints that Assange is too forward with women, but the accusations of sexual abuse in Sweden that have left the activist languishing in the Ecuadorian embassy are not mentioned until the closing titles.


Instead the action deals with the period from 2007 - when Assange met Domscheit-Berg at the Chaos Computer Club annual conference - until their relationship came to an end after Wikileaks』 famous leak of classified American intelligence supplied by the recently jailed Bradley Manning in 2010.

影片選擇截取的時間段是從2007年當阿桑奇和伯格在『電腦搗亂者俱樂部』的年會上相識直到2010年他們的關係因為維基解密最著名的美國機密情報泄密事件而破裂(機密情報的提供者布蘭德雷·曼寧今日被捕入獄, 並且轉變性別改名為Chelsea Elizabeth Manning ORZ)

As they become friends, we learn more about Assange - his absent father, his mother dating a cult leader when he was 13, and a 19-yeas-old son he hasn』t seen in over a year.

在影片中,當阿桑奇和伯格成為朋友的時候,關於阿桑奇的身世做了較多的描述。觀眾可以了解到阿桑奇在父親這一角色缺失的情況下長大,在他十三歲的時候他的媽媽和一個宗教的領袖式的人物有過一段戀情。並且阿桑奇本人也有一個已經一年多時間未曾謀面的19歲兒子(名叫 Daniel Assange, 這難道是阿桑奇和伯格的愛的結晶?!)

David Thewlis, playing the journalist 尼克 Davis, laments the demise of print journalism and the financial squeeze on quality news reporting.


Yet he also champions the idea that print journalists still have an ethical obligation to protect sources, check stories and not to put lives in danger. It is the one part of the film where Condon ventures into anything other than pastiche.


2B的我今天在報紙上看到後小心翼翼地照下來,回到家裡照著手機一個字母一個字母地transcribe,結果等全都打完了上網一搜才發現人家官網上有原文,內容上只有slightly different,可能因為報紙篇幅的關係重新編輯了一下。所以附上連結:http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/reviews/review-the-fifth-estate--benedict-cumberbatchs-assange-might-be-perfect-but-the-wikileaks-drama-is-a-flawed-buddy-movie-8802346.html

哎呀 也不知道什麼時候能上映啊,BC油膩的大白髮造型真是虐心啊!!!trailer里最後一幕正兒八經地剪了個頭髮之後忽然覺得BC終於回歸人類外表了!!演丹尼爾這個傢伙最近出現率真是高(他也許很有名,但是他在我的觀影世界裡出現率確實不高),rush里也有他,定睛一看,不就是無恥混蛋裡的德國snapper!!我也在原文基礎上加了一些我覺得更能有用或者有人有興趣知道的資訊,完全有可能是畫蛇添足。

