天之驕子--The Emperor's Club


6.9 / 15,493人    Argentina:108分鐘 | Canada:109分鐘 (Toronto International Film Festival) | USA:109分鐘

導演: 麥可霍夫曼
演員: 凱文克萊 艾米爾荷許 安貝絲戴維茲 傑西艾森柏格


2013-11-04 23:59:18

We are all seduced

Kevin Kline: he(Mr.H) wakes up and sees the horror of real life, the vulgarity, the dishonesty, the complete seduction of our culture by charisma and the well packaged person or idea. The fervour that grab us, and the lack of any real intrinsic, virtue. The fact that we are so seduced as a culture, as a civilization by such transient and superficial and false idols. This story sys we've reached our apex and now it is the decline of western civilization.