殭屍哪有這麼帥--Warm Bodies


6.8 / 244,006人    98分鐘

導演: 喬納森·萊文
編劇: 喬納森·萊文
演員: 尼可拉斯霍特 戴夫法蘭科 泰瑞莎帕瑪 安娜莉特普頓


2013-12-07 07:06:43

Warm Bodies

Love the overall feel and tone of the film. Coupled with the likeable characters and the absolutely fantastic music score, it is really hard not to like Warm Bodies. The twists it makes in the zombie genre are so simple that makes me wonder why haven't anyone tried something like this before. The entire movie moves along at a very fast pace, seemingly a little too fast as I believe there are plots and emotions to be further explored, but maybe we can attribute to the fact that the film is very daring, and the production team doesn't want to shift the attention away from the audience at any point of the film, which really is a pity and makes Warm Bodies too much like a standard romantic comedy, even though it's potential in the plot is much greater. A great shift from the standard zombie film, but not that it has been done, I hope it won't be overly used in the future so that standard zombie preconceptions would be affected. So in a sense, it really is a pity that this isn't a masterpiece.