名模疑雲--Glissements progressifs du plaisir


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導演: 亞蘭羅布葛利葉
編劇: 亞蘭羅布葛利葉
演員: Anicee Alvina Olga Georges-Picot 麥可.隆斯戴爾 Jean Martin

Eden's Curve

2014-08-09 14:08:48

人人心中都住著個小淫娃--how many shoes do you have ?



值得注意的是,這些人控訴女主的措辭明顯帶有作者的反諷,如If this man exists,he didn't use a key. 如The inspector found the lock forced. the lock forced可意譯為強行插入。。
如The blue shoe's a talismanagainst bad luck.cops, crack-ups, VDand trouble in general."如Likeness, repetitions,substitutions, pretense. Enough! 層層轉嫁的污名化You're a beached ship,an open shell, a sticky bitch,a crushed frog.51分44時耐人尋味的自白I am the sole cause.Death passes. Blackbird. Black beauty, weary seagull.
You know how nuns are.They have odd private relations.Really? What sort? Sadomasochist.
01:03分-牧師:I'm the shepherd of all lost lamb. I'm interested in every fresh arrival to this flock.
01:07分 I heard of dungeons,chains, whips... even worse律師:Really? For whom? 女主答:For the spectators.
01:09分-牧師:Beware of these people! Beware of this place! Accusation is a prologue to crime. Confinement entices vice! I'm not your father! This place is hell! I saw your game with that Devil-branded creature. Evil is there... ...and there!
女主:One Sister often touches me there. 牧師:What? Poor child,tell me the details. As many as possible,for your salvation.
女主:I've seen acts I don't understand. 牧師:Acts between whom? 女主答:Nuns and prisoners,mostly the pretty ones. 牧師Describe it all or the God of Anger will burn you alive over a slow fire.
女主:Father, I dare not. 牧師:Speak, you whore!

01:23分-女主Last night I dreamt the pastor was marrying me,but when I knelt to pray,he caressed me. His hand groped through the lace and up my thighs to my genitals. I knew he was sexually obsessed.
He'll commit suicide.律師:All who approach you
are perverts, insane.

Libertarian! Offense! Structure! Disorder! Relapse! Evidence.Reenactment. Pleasure. Recidivism. Permutation. Relapse. Disorder! Toad. Rape. Parricide. Division. Inversion. Bitch. Games. Sperm. Sloth.
Whore. One pair of shoes... two pairs... three pairs... Theme of broken glass.

昭然若揭的角色扮演01:36分We wait a little.

Wait for what?

Well, for the prosecutors,
the police superintendent,

all the people who have to be here
for the reenactment.

Who will play the murderer?

I don't know,
a cop probably.

Maybe that guy
who's on guard at the door.

And to play Nora?

They surely have someone.

When is it supposed to start?

Theoretically, right now,
but they are always late.

We're always waiting
for someone, or something.

他們的身份有牧師,修女,警察,律師等等,權力的一體N面為淫慾穿上的藍色新鞋,成功污名化女主,所以女主才會對律師說:(牧師)He'll commit suicide(因為已被我勾引)suicide還是homecide都由主體說了算,他們當然會說是自殺啦!
