生命中的美好缺憾--The Fault in Our Stars


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導演: 喬許布恩
編劇: 史考特諾伊史達特 麥克H.韋伯
演員: 雪琳伍德利 安塞爾埃爾葛特 納特沃爾夫


2014-09-30 07:03:51

The infinity

This movie isn't just a cheesy romantic story. One thing I loved most about it is the Zeno's paradox, the tortoise argument mentioned by the author.

As Russel once said, the zeno’s paradox was the fundamental of all the later philosophy and science. in this movie, it’s a metaphor of infinity. Like how it was used in Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace.

The first thing popped out of my mind is about perception when I was watching this movie.You opened your eyes and saw the red rose. when you closed them, does the rose still have its red color?

Some philosophers believe that subject are the origin of the perception. And indeed science explained that..

so how would the world be like where you are already dead.Does the world just cut off since you can no longer perceive it, just like the color no longer has the red color when you closed your eyes?

The girl questioned the author why doesn』t give an ending to the story and shut off everything right when the main character died. This is his philosophy which reflects a cruel fact that she can hardly accept.

Even the world goes on after you dead, you can never perceive it. Then what matters. Like the author in this movie. He definitely suffered and still loves his daughter after her death.But whatever how deep the love i,how beautiful the world is left behind her, she could no longer perceive it. This fact destroyed him.

Why infinite? There are two infinity in this movie. One is about what it is like behind the death? It is infinity. It is the infinite of the darkness behind the death. Or maybe the infinity of sorrowness to those left.

However, there is another one. the last days and months they』ve been spent together. the explanation of the paradox of infinity is the mathematics concept about sets. This is used as a metaphor here.in the limited days, there is an infinity, about depth not about width. This is also used in the line when the girl told the boy I feel enough to just love you and remember you. How many people I will be remembered and be loved doesn』t matters. The only thing matters is I was deeply remembered and loved by you. And the depth, is infinity. So that comes to what the author said some infinity is lager than some infinity.