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導演: 盧貝松
編劇: 盧貝松
演員: 史嘉蕾喬韓森 摩根佛里曼 崔岷植 阿瑪威克


2014-10-27 04:43:47

超體Lucy 台詞 (For Your Reference)



If life starts approximately a billion years ago, we would have to wait 4 hundred thousand years to see the aberration of the first nerve cells. This is where life as we know begins.

1 neuron, you're alive.
2 neurons, you're moving.
Most species only use 3~5% of its cerebral capacity.

It's not until we reached human beings at the top of the animal chain that we finally see a species using more cerebral capaicty.

10% may not seem like much, but that's a lot if we look at what we've done with it. (invention of plane / fire / econimic / rocket / astronimy / neuclear weapon / dem / washing mashine / wind-powered electronic / art / ethic dancing / school education /religion/ farming / intelegence...)

A special case, the only living being that uses its brain better than us - the dolphin. It is estimated, this incredible animal uses up to 20% of its cerebral capacity. In particular, this allows it to have an echo system that is more effecient than any sonar invented by mankiind. But the dolphin did not invent the sonar, it developed it naturally.

And this is the crutial part of our philisophical reflection we have today - can we therefore conclude that humans are concerned more with having than being.

20% cerebral capacity: will give us an accers to control of our body.
40% cerebral capacity: control other people and matter.

Mom, I feel everything. Space, air, the vibrations, the people.
I can feel the gravity.
I can feel the rotation of the earth, the heat lives in my body, the blood in my veins.
I can feel my brain, the deepest part of my memory.
The pain in my mouth when I had brace.
I can remember the feeling of your hand on my forehead when I had fever.
I remember the taste of your milk in my mouth, the room, the liquid.
I just wanted to tell you that I love you mom and dad. And I want to thank you for the thousands of kisses that I can still feel on my face. I love you mom.

Learning is always painful process, like when you are little and your bones are growing and your weight got over.
Can you believe I remember the sound of my own bones growing? Like this griding under the skin?
Everything is different now, sounds and music that I can understand, like fluids.

it's funny I used to be so concerned with who I was and what I wanted to be. Now that I've access further reaches of my brains I see things clearly, and realised that what makes us us is primitive, they're all obstacles. Does that make any sense?
Like the pain you're expiencing is blocking you from understanding, all you know now is pain. It's all you know, pain.

I don't feel pain / feel / desire, it's like all things that make us human are fading away.
It's like the less human I feel, all this knowledge about everything : quantity physics / applied mathmatics / the infinite capacity of cell's neuclears, they're all exploding inside my brain.

And all this knowledge, I don't know what to do with it.

When you think about the very nature of life, I mean, in the very beginning, the indeveloped thing, first cell has divided into two cells, this all purpose of life has been to pass on what was learned, and there is no highr purpose.

If you ask what to do with this knowledge and humanity, I'd say - pass it on. Just like any single cell going through time.

- How do you manage to access to all these information?
- Electronic impulses.

Every cell knows and talks to every other cell. It exchanges thousands of information between them per second.
Cells group together forming a giant network of communication, which inturn forms matter.
Cells get together, take on one form, de-form, re-form. Takes on difference, it's all the same.

Humans consider themselves unique, so they build their whole theory existence on their uniquness. One is the unit of measure, but it's not.

All social system we put into place are a mere sketch of 1+1 = 2. That's all we've learnt. But 1 plus 1 has never equaled 2.

There are in fact no numbers and no letters. We codified our existence to bring it down to human size, to make it comprehensible.
We've created scales that we forget its unfathomable scale.

Time gives the legitimacy of its existence, time is the only true unit of measure. It gives proof to the existence of matter, without time, we don't exist.

Time is unity.

These knowledge, Lucy, I'm not even sure that human kind is ready for it.
We're so driven by power and profit, given man's nature, it might bring us only instability and chaos.

Ignorance brings chaos, not knowledge.

I just hope we'll be worthy of your sacrifice.

Life was given to us a billion years ago, now you know what to do with it.
