愛‧重來--The Vow


6.8 / 205,620人    104分鐘

導演: 麥可蘇克西
編劇: 艾比康
演員: 瑞秋麥亞當斯 查寧泰坦 史考特史畢曼 山姆尼爾


2015-03-28 07:03:51

The First " I Love You"


I was just thinking about the first time that we went to that Greek restaurant in the corner, There was this big banner saying "Now serving soup" and I just started to go on and on about all the obstacles that the owner most have overcome to achieve his life long dream of serving soup. And then... and when I was finished...she didn't say anything for a few seconds and she just...she just sort of exhaled it. It was almost to herself. " I love you." And it just hung there. It was the first time she had said it, and I didn't even wanna respond. I just wanted to keep hearing it. That was two weeks after we met. It only took her two weeks to fall in love with me before.


