

2016-09-05 06:16:47


This year has been a punishing one in terms of creative heroes checking out from the planet – Andrzej Zulawski among them. If any consolation is to be had after the February loss of this beloved Polish director, we』ll always have Cosmos. His first film in 15 years, it also turned out to be his swansong. Its irreverent, sensual playfulness, full of feverishly bizarre antics, is a wonderful outpouring from his surrealist spirit, which remains to be celebrated. Adapted from the novel by Witold Gombrowicz, it sees two French students staying at a family boarding-house in Portugal subjected to a string of mysterious discoveries. It makes its much-anticipated UK debut this week. So to get you in the mood, we present five more of our favourite films embracing the outlandish vivacity of surrealism.

-digest from AnOther

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