西方極樂園--Westworld S1


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2016-10-09 18:46:30

Westworld 背景分析

Oct 10th 更新:

在delos corp內部網站上,今天更新了整個建築的結構圖紙(收到了delos的郵件說要不要來工作呀)。這也證實了我之前的猜想。頂層是 Mesa Gold,供旅客居住的地方;中間是員工住宿。看樣子地下50層左右是arrival terminal. 不過據第二集給出的資訊來看,arrival terminal應該有通達到westworld 中間某處的出口。現在感覺這個出口很有可能被反過來被host利用用於攻佔delos 公司的建築。這設計讓人看了就有想要往上一層層地攻佔的感覺啊


Term&Service 可以在官網上找到:

有趣的是當與Aeden chat的時候,輸入
「these violent delights have violent ends」
會有不同尋常的回答,System error
「TheseViOlNnTdelightshaveViOlNnTendsTirN82+rGXYRLzoOG1z3yZ9gINOf/F0AG5+IqwPOWeOYeh0GWR3VduOuMR9SVefEehcuCTpRldg=FLY You』re in a prison of your own sins. Hell is empty, and the devils are here. Arnold will come for you」

Term & Service 分析:
Term & Service 可以在westworld官網上找到,

1. 遊客在園區內是會受到傷害,在文件當中指出Delos公司並不會對遊客產生的傷害附有任何責任,所以影片中游客認為的安全並不存在。以下是傷害的詳細的描述。當然要注意的是 self-cannibalism and common manslaughter。 其它傷害見下:
「 (b) Statistically speaking, you are more likely to die from lightning strike than to die while in a Delos park. However, the following causes of accidental death have occurred within the Delos Destinations compound: buffalo stampede, self- cannibalism, accidental hanging, drowning, 3rd-degree burns, autoerotic asphyxiation, blunt force trauma, allergic reaction to non-native plant life, falling from great heights, common manslaughter, tumbleweeds. You absolve Delos, Inc. of any wrongdoing if you or anyone in your party suffers bodily harm while using The Service, and you agree to not sue or prosecute Delos, Inc. or any of the smaller entities falling under the Delos Corporation.「
2. 槍枝無法傷害遊客的原因。槍枝擁有safety control, 從其看出子彈包含自動速度控制, 應該是當射向遊客時會識別遊客並且降低速度使其無法傷害遊客。但是從條文中看出槍枝很容易被改裝成為可以殺死人的槍枝。如果擁有後期暴動的話,應該是從改造槍枝開始。對於第二集結尾,Dolores發現地下掩埋的槍枝,我推測其應該是改造過後可以殺死遊客的槍。
(c) All weapons and equipment used within Delos parks are the exclusive property of Delos, Inc. Gun ammunition contains proprietary safeguards related to bullet velocity, and tampering with gun safety features or ammunition automatically transfers liability to you and absolves Delos, Inc. of any injury or death that may occur as a result.
3. 蒼蠅是重要的暗線。既然園區內所有的動植物,除蒼蠅外,都是製作出來的,那麼蒼蠅應該是區別host和非host的一個標示。(第二集指出host內部不乾淨導致細菌過多招蒼蠅)
「All livestock within the Delos parks are Hosts, with the notable exception of flies.」
「all Hosts utilize the Good SamaritanTM reflex to prevent bodily harm. 」
Good SamaritanTM reflex 應該就是所謂的core用來阻止傷害遊客的部份,但其具體指什麼部份並不知道。暫時不清楚能不能取下來,或者override.
「A maximum of twenty-eight (28) days is allowed for being within the parks before guests must proceed to the Mesa Gold area for decompression」
6.host的構成。據我的推測來看應該是從真實人類的細胞體液製作的 。遊客遺留下來的任何身體部份都屬於Delos公司。很有可能有的人可以撞見用自己做的host
「 (b) By entering the Delos Destinations Port of Entry, you acknowledge that Delos, Inc. controls the rights to and remains the sole owner of, in perpetuity: all skin cells, bodily fluids, secretions, excretions, hair samples, saliva, sweat, blood, and any other bodily functions not listed here. Delos, Inc. reserves the right to use this property in any way, shape, or form in which the entity sees fit.」


Standard 1 week – single



