樂來越愛你 La La Land


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導演: 達米恩查澤雷
編劇: 達米恩查澤雷
演員: 雷恩葛斯林 艾瑪史東 Amiee Conn Terry Walters Thom Shelton


2016-12-18 17:54:05


La La Land 要講的故事並不復雜,在電影開頭的歌曲里就已經說明了。這是一個人離開家鄉和愛人追尋夢想的故事,是一個理想和現實碰撞的故事,是一個甜蜜而高昂的故事,也是一個暗藏悲傷的故事。
      經歷著這個故事裡的歡喜,苦澀,無奈,和感動的,並不只有女主角米婭一個人。在導演構建的虛幻的通往好萊塢的公路上,充滿著各種各樣朝著自己理想前進的人。除了背著台詞的女主,構思著爵士音樂的男主,還有黑人鼓手,年輕舞者,哼著新歌的歌手,甚至跳著民族舞蹈的西班牙大媽。這才是La La Land裡的主角們。(La La Land在英語裡除了別指洛杉磯和好萊塢,也指幻想中美好狂樂不切實際的烏托邦。)
      也許這是米婭和塞巴斯安最終分開真正的深意:追逐夢想的機會成本往往是對家鄉和愛情的離棄。而無論夢想是否實現,當你回頭去想像某個平行宇宙裡的自己可能有過的經歷,能夠感受到的,可能會有Henry Longfellow一般對過去悵惘的感慨:A boy’s will is the wind’s will, and thoughts of the past are long long thoughts. (一個少年的意志是風的意志,而關於過去的思緒是渺然無盡的思緒),也可能有Robert Frost想像中自欺欺人的安慰:I chose the road less travelled, and that has made all the difference.

最後,附開頭那首Another Day of Sun的歌詞和我自己的翻譯

I think about that day 我想著那一天
I left him at a Greyhound station 在灰狗車站和他離別
West of Sante Fe 在Santa Fe西邊
We were seventeen, but he was sweet and it was true 我們17歲,但他很甜蜜而我們的愛情歷歷在目
Still I did what I had to do 可我仍做了必須做的事
'Cuz I just knew 因為我知道

Summer Sunday nights 夏天的週日晚上
We'd sink into our seats 我們陷入電影院的座位里
Right as they dimmed out all the lights 就在他們調暗燈光的時候
The Technicolor world made out of music and machine 那音樂和機器創造出的電光世界
It called me to be on that screen 它在大螢幕呼喚著我
And live inside its sheen 讓我在它的光芒下生活

Without a nickel to my name 一文不名
Hopped a bus, here I came 我跳上公車出發
Could be brave or just insane 也許是勇敢也許是瘋狂
We'll have to see 以後才能看清
'Cuz maybe in that sleepy town 因為在那個慵懶的小鎮
He'll sit one day, the lights are down 他有天會坐在黑暗的電影院
He'll see my face and think of how he used to know me 看見我的臉,想起我們曾經相識

Behind these hills I'm reaching for the heights 在這些山峰之後我想走向高處
And chasing all the lights that shine 追逐那些閃耀的燈光
And when they let you down 而當他們讓人失望
You'll get up off the ground 我會再次站起
As morning rolls around 當清晨滾滾而來
And it's another day of sun 再次面對有陽光的一天

I hear them everyday 我每天都聽見
The rhythms in the canyons that will never fade away 山谷里永不消逝的旋律
The ballads in the ballrooms left by those who came before 舞廳裡留下的民謠
They say we got to want it more 他們說我一定要更深刻地渴望
So I bang on every door 所以我敲響每扇門

And even when the answer's no 即使面對著否定
Or when my money's running low 而當我口袋空空
The disc and mic and neon glow are all I need 光碟麥克和霓虹就是我需要的一切

And some day as I sing the song 未來的某天當我開始歌唱
A small-town kid will come along 一個小鎮的孩子會興奮地跑來
That'll be the thing to push him on and he'll go 他也會看見值得追逐的夢然後上路

Behind these hills I'm reaching for the heights
And chasing all the lights that shine
And when they let you down
You'll get up off the ground
As morning rolls around
And it's another day of sun

When they let you down
The morning rolls around

It's another day of sun
It's another day of sun
It's another day of sun
It's another day of sun
Just another day of sun
It's another day of sun
The day has just begun
It's another day of sun

It's another day of sun