脫線沖天炮--Bottle Rocket


6.9 / 83,774人    91分鐘 | Argentina:95分鐘

導演: 魏斯安德森
編劇: 歐文威爾森 魏斯安德森
演員: 路克威爾遜 歐文威爾森 耐得陶德 Shea Fowler


2016-12-29 17:42:30



"Dear Grace,
I enjoyed your letter. I agree Camp Douglas isn't all it's cracked up to be. It never was. But if you're feeling lonely or homesick even, I recommend that, one, you call me. I'm staying at Bob Mapplethorpe's and, two, that you keep extremely busy. lt's working for me. I've got a whole new program. Bob and I get up at 5:30 every morning to run our paper route. I've got three jobs. The money isn't much, and Bob isn't suited for this kind of work. But we keep each other company and we both feel much better about ourselves now that we're working hard. I made $75 in tips last night. Bob's brother, Future Man, has accumulated some expensive legal debts. But we're gradually helping him to pay those off. I'm also coaching a Little League soccer team called the Hurricanes. They're mostly beginners, but they've got a lot of spirit and they don't let defeat get them down. They remind me of Dignant in that way. Say what you will about him, he's no cynic and he's no quitter. I'm usually so exhausted now at the end of the day...so that I don't have time to think about blown opportunities...or wasted time. I do have one bit of advice for you though, Grace. Take the time in school to learn a foreign language. I myself never did, and I feel I paid a price for it. Well, so long, Grace. I miss you very much. Don't forget to write me back.
