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2017-04-12 03:34:01

An act of self-denial

1.Deborah:Whatever the reasons that people become deniers,when you look closely,they often have an agenda which they won't admit to.So denial is a pick to undo the lock to open the door to something else.來打開通往旁徑的大門. 2.Richard:It means,"The coward only threatens when he feels secure."懦夫在感到安全時只會威脅. 3.Richard:Yes,it;s my way of telling him what I think of him.I don't look at him.It's getting under his skin.我不用看他,我都把他看到骨子裡去了. 4.Deborah:I thought you were late,but I now understand you were pacing out the distance. 5.Richard:Very upsetting to see a client in such a distress.We didn't mean to make you unhappy. 6.Richard:They're atrange things,conciences.Trouble is,what feel best isn't necessarily what works best.感覺最好的並不必然是最有效.And risk losing. Deborah:Or? Richard:You know or.Stay seated.Button your lip.Win.An act of self-denial.一次自我否定的行動. Deborah:Al right,I'm gonna hang over mine over to this,fly-fishing,wine-drinking,Scotsman. 7.Deborah:Do you have any idea how dangerous and difficult it was?Standing up to the enemy was arduous and uncertain and exhausting.But they had to do it.Only in hindsight that things get called heroic.At the time you're just afraid.Afraid of how things will turn out. 8. Deborah: Well,before I came to London,I was definitely not convinced that a court of law was a good place to investigate historical truth.But,I underestimated the value of a team.Of real teamwork.And it turns out it's not a bad place.As long as you have great lawyers with great passion.And,uh,my God,did I have great lawyers.(eye contact to the lawyer) 9.Richard:To the author of our Misfortunes,with love.A bottle of wine.
