愛在日落巴黎時--Before Sunset


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導演: 李察林克雷特
編劇: 李察林克雷特
演員: 伊森霍克 茱莉蝶兒


2017-05-27 23:07:51



從《Before Sunrise》到《Before Sunset》,戲裡戲外都是9年。如果說前篇講的是一生僅有的最浪漫的一夜,Sunse講的就是最遺憾的錯過和最難得的重逢。上一部結尾,他們相約6個月後見。然而錯過了。當9年之後,Celine淡淡地微笑著出現在書店的角落時,還是令人驚喜,Jesse為他們當年的故事寫書籤售,Celin循聲而至。雖然臉上都留下了歲月的痕跡,但一切都似乎恰如9年前。



Let me sing you a waltz Out of nowhere, out of my thoughts Let me sing you a waltz About this one night stand You were, for me, that night Everything I always dreamt of in life But now you』re gone You are far gone All the way to your island of rain It was for you just a one night thing But you were much more to me, just so you know I don』t care what they say I know what you meant for me that day I just want another try, I just want another night Even if it doesn』t seem quite right You meant for me much more than anyone I』ve met before One single night with you, little Jesse, is worth a thousand with anybody I have no bitterness, my sweet I』ll never forget this one night thing Even tomorrow in other arms, my heart will stay yours until I die Let me sing you a waltz Out of nowhere, out of my blues Let me sing you a waltz About this lovely one night stand (這首歌現實中也是扮演Celine的朱莉·德爾佩所作所唱)
