你是我今生的新娘--Four Weddings and a Funeral


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導演: 麥可紐威
編劇: 理查寇蒂斯
演員: 休葛蘭 James Fleet 西蒙卡洛 約翰漢那 克莉斯汀史考特湯瑪斯


2015-01-02 08:18:26





1. 故事一開始大家早上起來準備婚禮,每個人都有不同的動作

    教堂中,新郎和新娘的親朋好友分坐兩旁,新郎和伴郎坐在前面等待新娘到來。新娘在她父親的陪伴下步入教堂中,全體起立,新郎和伴郎轉身等待新娘。在神父的祝福下,兩人護念誓詞,"I do"。隨後由伴郎拿出婚戒,新郎給新娘戴上,兩人親吻。隨後大家到草坪拍照並護送祝福等待宴會開始。宴會上伴郎發表祝酒詞,宴會後是舞會,隨後新郎和新娘一起坐婚車離開。





because i love him . Love is the answer. And you know that for sure



Gareth used to prefer funerals to weddings.
He said it was easier to get enthusiastic about a ceremony one Had an outside chance of eventually being involved in.(他是gay無法參加自己的婚禮)

In order to prepare this speech, I rang people to get a general picture of how Gareth was regarded by those who met him.
"Fat" seems to have been a word people most connected with him.
"Terribly rude" also rang a lot of bells.
"So very fat and very rude" seems to have been the stranger's viewpoint.
On the other hand, some of you have rung me to say that you loved him which I hnow he would have been thrilled to hear.

You remember his fabulous hospitality.
His strange experimental cooking.
The recipe for duck a la banana fortunately goes with him to his grave.

Most of all you, you tell me of his enormous capacity for joy.
And when joyful, for highly vocal drunkenness.
But I hope joyful is how you will remember him.
Not stuck in a box in a church.
Pick your favorite of his waistcoats and remember him that way.
The most splendid, replete, big-hearted, weak-hearted , as it turned out, and jolly bugger most of us ever met.

As for me, you may ask how I will remember him.
What I thought of him.
Unfortunately, there I run out of words.
Forgive me if I turn from my own feelings to the words of another splendid bugger: W.H.auden
This is actualy what I want to say:

Stop all the clocks
Cut off the telephone
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin

Let the mourners come
Let the aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message
He is dead
Put crepe bows around the white necks of the public doves
Let traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves

He was my north, my south, my east and west
My working week and my Sunday rest
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song
I thought that love would last forever
I was wrong

The stars are not wanted now
Put out every one
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood
For nothing now can ever come to and good



